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Stardust books

Hi guys, Interested in stars, star constellations, planets and galaxies? Well, you have come to the right place! This is the perfect website to learn about Astronomy, and more! Welcome to Shiri and Tanna's amazing blog! Here you can play games, learn about your star sign and our planet, explore black holes, and generally enjoy yourselves! After you've answered some poles, scroll down to the bottom of the page for you to understand the answers! Click on the games page above to play games! If you would like to have some more fun at our blog, click on the Activity sheets above, copy and paste the activity sheet you want onto a Microsoft document, print it out, and do it! More fantastic activities and games will be coming soon. Feel free to comment, or let us know if something isn't working by sending us an email, or posting a comment. If the snow effect on our blog is distracting you, feel free to just tell us, email us, or post a comment. And don't forget to play and feed our fish! Good luck and have fun surfing our website! Shiri and Tanna ;-)

Google Website Translator Gadget

Activity pages

Hi guys!

Here is another worksheet. Unscramble the words and find out what the word is. Just copy and paste it onto a Microsoft document, print it out and do it.

Name: _________________________________

Stardust unscramble
Write the word on the line.

tlen pa


Hi guys! 

Here is a quiz on stardust, and more. Just copy and paste it onto a Microsoft document, print it out, and do it. Once you print this out, and once you completed it, please take a photo of it, and send it to us ( or Then, we will tell you how much you got correct.

Stardust quiz
Name: ______________________________   
Fill in the circle beside the correct answer
How many royal stars are there?
Is Alpha Leonis another word for Regulus
 I don't know
What is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo?
Is magic real?
 I don't know
How many star signs are there?
What is a star constellation?
 Stars by themselves
 A group of stars forming a picture in the sky
 Black holes
Is Astronomy, the topic for Space, Galaxies and Science?
 I don't know
What is a shooting star?
 A piece of something from space
 A star falling down from space
 Black hole


Hi guys!
Here is a wordsearch we created for you. If you would like to print it out and do it, then copy and paste the wordsearch on to a plain Microsoft document, then print it out and do it!

Or if you want to challenge yourself some more, try remember the words you have found and do it on the computer. Can you handle it?
A B K X X C I G A M V C Y O U L P M O G 
A A M C V T T Y P C I S Y E V L L L U U 
G B H R H Q Q P X W Z I M A A G A V Q J 
T A L I Y K H B I T F A N A X Q N X N R 
T K U A W H W L V V E Z W K W B E N I V 
R F E F C W I N D R T Y T N Z T T Z A F 
E E S E T K G U I I D A N Z D S H J Q U 
R V T V H A H F V Z V O D T V T L Z V O 
L E V A L B Y O P Z I E G X J D F R S H 
Y M M A W H R O L T P I R H F C S A N O 
G Q X M E S D J A E T I R I P S T T M G 
Y Y E D U K F L P N E K F Q M J A S U S 
G U Q S B S L O Z B H T V J C N R D T W 
I O D B O E W A S T R O N O M Y D S U L 
A H Y O T E G N I P S M D T R M U O A J 
R L D S R N N W A C S K H R Q B S N W V 
H N N F I Y P C Z T D J A U G T T B P P 
W O U R N V C A N Y U S J F X A D U R G 
C L P W K M G C K S Y R Z Y Q A R P W T 
I S O O D W W I N T E R E U K K X N F N 


Shiri and Tanna


Stardust spirit Quiz
There are four types of stardust spirit – autumn, winter, summer and spring and each of them can do a different type of magic. No one knows what type of stardust spirit they are until they actually turn into one and discover the magic inside them but answer these questions to find out what type of stardust spirit you might be!
Question 1: Which of these descriptions is most like you?
A. Talkative, full of ideas, popular with lots of friends
B. Brave, a good organizer, loves adventure
C. Loyal, determined, sensible
D. Sensitive to other people’s feelings, hates arguments, imaginative
Question 2: Which of these is your worst fault?
A. Not thinking about other people’s feelings
B. Losing your temper
C. Sulking
D. Not being able to make up your mind
Question 3: One of your friends suggests doing something you know you shouldn’t. Would you…
A. Well, actually you would have been the one suggesting it in the first place!
B. Immediately get excited and start planning how you could do it.
C. Try and stop them because you know you will get into trouble.
D. Feel worried but go along with it.
Question 4: If you were at a sleepover and people started telling ghost stories would you…
A. Tell the best, most scariest, most exciting stories you could even if they weren’t true to make everyone else very scared.
B. Really enjoy it and tell people any ghost stories you could remember.
C. Laugh and tell everyone ghosts aren’t real.
D. Feel very scared and not like it.
Question 5: Which of these stones would you choose if you could have any?
A. A golden topaz stone
B. A black and white sparkling onyx stone
C. A bluish green turquoise stone
D. A purple amethyst stone
Question 6: In which of these places would you most like to be?
A. In a wood on a crisp October day, the red and gold leaves crunching under your feet as you run around.
B. Playing on a busy beach on a hot day surrounded by sand and sea.
C. Walking through a green meadow full of growing flowers with blue sky overhead and birds singing.
D. Standing on a silent beach on a winter’s day with the seagulls flying overhead, and the waves pulling gently at the stones.
So which stardust spirit are you? See which you have the most of to find out!
Mostly As – you are probably an Autumn spirit like Allegra, always full of ideas, you love having fun and you and make friends very easily although sometimes you are so busy having ideas you don’t always realize how other people are feeling. Still your friends love you because you have such great ideas! Autumn spirits can use their magic to control the wind and their magic gemstone is topaz.
Mostly Bs – you are probably a summer spirit like Lucy, you are brave and a natural leader, very good at organizing people and you love doing exciting things. You are never mean or spiteful but sometimes you do lose your temper! Summer spirits can use their magic to start fires and their magic gemstone is onyx.
Mostly Cs – you are probably a Spring spirit like Ella. You are fairly quiet but very determined and brave and a very good, true friend. You always think things through, sometimes people say you are too sensible but you only want to stop people when they are doing things that might get them into trouble. Spring spirits can use their magic to make things grow and their magic gemstone is turquoise.
Mostly Ds – you are probably a Winter spirit like Faye. Often a little bit shy you are very sensitive to people’s feelings and know instinctively when someone is upset or worried. Sometimes you can be a bit too timid and scared but you’re always there for your friends if they need you and you’re the person they talk to when they are feeling sad, you are also very imaginative. Winter spirits can use their magic to control rain, hail or snow and their magic gemstone is amethyst.
A complete mixture you are a very interesting and complex person with lots of different sides to you. Look at the descriptions of the different spirits and choose the one that feels the most like you, but like everyone else, you will have to turn into a stardust spirit to really find out!

Shiri and Tanna

Hi guys! 

Since we wanted to add some more print-out fun stuff for you, we decided to make a crossword puzzle! If you would like to do this puzzle, copy and paste it onto Microsoft word, print it out and do it! Can you solve all the words that we put in the crossword?

1 2 3     4 5      
7             8    
    9       10      
  12        1314      

ACROSS3. People who are born on October 23rd - November 21st
7. The season that nature fades...
8. The closest planet to earth
9. The planet that we live in
10. The season when nature rises...
12. Pieces from planets are ................
13. The planet with a dust ring around it
15. A popular red stone
16. Big black dangerous things in space
18. The last star sign
19. A light purple stone
DOWN1. Dust that falls from stars
2. The subject for Science, Stars and Space
3. A hot season
4. A black and white stone
5. The first star sign
6. The planet with a dust storm
11. The brightest star in the constellation of Leo
14. The brightest star in the constellation of Scorpio
17. A cold season

More coming soon!


Video of a Black hole

Astronomy for kids!

Zoom Into the Milky Way

The Solar System song

The Planets

Life, Birth and Death of a star (pictures)